About Us

The Ohio North Database Training group is a user group for individuals who support, develop in, and use the Microsoft Data Platform (e.g. SQL Server, Azure, PowerBI, CosmosDB). Our group welcomes members from all over northern Ohio. In-person meetings are held just south of Cleveland in Independence, Ohio on the first Tuesday of each month (meetings held virtually during the Covid-19 pandemic).

Meet our leaders

President – The president of our group leads our meetings and is responsible for bringing beverages to our in-person meetings.

Vice President – The Vice President is responsible for finding speakers to present to the group and making sure there is food at in-person events.

Treasurer – The treasurer keeps us from spending too much money and handles the spending and reimbursements that occur throughout the year.

Secretary – The secretary communicates with the users to remind them of events.

Data Saturday Organizer – The organizer is responsible for the annual training event that occurs on a Saturday in February.